This isn’t just a glass door: this is a doorway that makes our church accessible to the community. Behind this door is a lift (although most of us keep calling it an elevator.)
For the first time in our church’s history, every level of this space will be accessible—the narthex, the fellowship hall, the choir room/Godly Play room and of course, the sanctuary.
In time, this lift will be operational. It will be used on Sundays of course, but not just on Sundays–and not just for church activities. Our church has already been used as a concert venue, a registration centre, a polling station. In the past, our church has even hosted birthday and anniversary parties. But people with mobility challenges often missed those events and occasions. In a little while, that will no longer be the case.
Left to Right Brian Jones, Brian Stanley, Gordon Walker, Bruce Stanton, M.P., Rev. Debbie McMillan, Maureen Parsons, Harry NoordeGraff
We are grateful to God for the blessing we have received. We are grateful to so many people as well: the building committee which includes Brian Jones, Brian Stanley, Gord Walker and Maureen Parsons (and a few more people who couldn’t make the photo op.) We thank our builder, Harry NoordeGraff and all of his employees. We are also extremely grateful for the work our M.P. Bruce Stanton did by helping us with our grant application. Special thanks also goes to Living Waters Presbytery for hosting the workshop three years ago at which we heard about those accessibility grants. We’ll let you know when the lift is ready for public use.
Stay tuned!