Joy: Sunday Dec. 8 @ Unity Featuring the Georgian Bay Brass

Written by Unity United Church on. Posted in News

TrumpetAt Unity, we do things differently. One of the ways this shows is how we do Advent.

JOY is defined as a source or cause of great happiness. In most churches, the pink candle of Joy is lit on the third Sunday of Advent. The second Sunday of Advent is “supposed to be” Peace Sunday. 

But on Sunday, December 8, our service will be anything BUT peaceful. And that is GREAT!

At Unity, the second Sunday of Advent has also been the Sunday on which we hear form the Georgian Bay Brass.  This group is amazing! Imagine hearing brass instruments playing your favourite Christmas music on a Sunday morning! The music Georgian Bay Brass plays is happiness itself. Each year, these talented folk share their musical gifts with us and we are filled with joy. Their  music reminds us what we were given in Baby Jesus: a cause for great joy which is available to all people. 

If you want to tap into some of that joy, c’mon over to Unity on the 8th at 10:00. See you then!

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