“Sounds of Silence”: Tuesday, February 11 from 7pm-7:45pm
Starting on Tuesday, February 11, I’ll be trying something new–but actually, it’s old—really old—as in ancient. And everyone is welcome.
Starting on Tuesday, February 11, I’ll be opening the sanctuary once a month from 7pm-7:45pm. I’ll be in there praying in silence.
That’s right. The sanctuary will be open for silent prayer, meditation, contemplation, reading devotional works, personal reflection or just to sit in a space that is quiet.
Why do that?!?!?
Well, frankly, life is noisy, chaotic and full of distractions. Finding a quiet space is getting very difficult. We have a quiet space that can be shared with the community. Imagine: no laptops, no phones, no music, no gaming consoles, no human voices—NO STRUCTURE! Once a month, you can take a break from all of that. Just come, sit and listen for the still, small voice of God in your head, heart and soul. Stay as long as you like–5 minutes, 11 or maybe even the full 45 without the pressure of having to talk to anyone else there. Use the time however you like–as long as you are silent. At the end of the 45 minutes, the candles will be extinguished to indicate that the time has come to an end.
All are welcome, of course. And if you have any questions about this, just send me a message!
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