On Tuesday, May 25, seven members of the Unity Congregation joined a webinar with over 350 other concerned United Church members to look at how the Pandemic has altered how we are the church. We have and will spend more time over the next two weeks talking about:
1. What does it mean to be the church?
2. Integrating online worship with the traditional in-person gatherings.
3. Online and/or in-person ministries.
We would love more Unity members to join in the conversation.
The webinar is from 7-8:30 pm on June 1 and June 8.
The information shared and the conversations had will help shape what Unity look like when we are able to return to in-person worship.
For more information, or to ask questions, please contact Lois Brown, Carol Galbraith, Barbara Jones, Myrna Jones, or Jane Smitham.
We hope you see the importance of this learning time and if God leads you to join, please reach out to one of us.