Sounds of Silence TONIGHT @ 7pm-7:45pm

Written by Unity United Church. Posted in News

IMG_0997Your alarm clock shrieked you into waking…..
your dog growled at you when you tried to walk her,
your toddler screamed at you before he threw his sippy cup at you,
your partner fought with you….
your boss humiliated you…..
and your oldest just announced she needs you to take her to the mall—-NOW.
And all day long you longed for one quiet moment for yourself….
you may have even found yourself praying for that moment to arrive. 

Well, that moment is almost here.  Come and experience 45 minutes of sacred silence in the Sanctuary of Unity United Church. You can pray silently, talk to God silently, wonder silently,  you can read a spiritual book or count the rafters in the ceiling (as long as you do it silently). You don’t even have to stay for the full 45 minutes—just as long as you need.  You use that time however you want to use it—as long as it is silent and not a distraction to those who are there. When the 45 minutes are up, I’ll extinguish the candles and we’ll be on our way. Come and experience the healing sounds of silence. 

Bring Your Valentine to Tea—February 15 in Victoria Harbour

Written by Unity United Church. Posted in News

Val tea 2014 Poster

Bring your sweetheart on a trip back in time: a time of polite conversation held over delicate cups of tea and tasty hand rolled sandwiches. Catch up on the latest news of the community at an event.   This special Valentine tradition has been a part of life up here for over a century. Experience the simple joy of being in community and sharing food together. A Freewill Offering will be collected. 


Construction Has Started!!!!

Written by Unity United Church. Posted in News


Construction started today at Unity so our church will be fully accessible by the time it’s through. The crew have moved in and started their job.


Please use the side door to enter during the work week. One washroom is functional and will now be unisex.


A water dispenser with drinking water will be in the basement .

Please be patient as work progresses and we will all celebrate when completed.  Your building committee —David Jones