One Night Only: Liz Reid (my high school friend)
Did you read this? If you haven’t, please do. You can also check out the Tay Report, page 6. When you do, you’ll see a list of Liz’s amazing accomplishments.
She is a violist. No, not a violinist, (violinists are a dime a dozen—I say as someone who at one time was a violinist).
And she’s brilliant: world class. And she is coming to Unity tonight to raise funds for our little country church with a big heart.
But what you won’t see in any of those write ups is that she’s my friend. I can’t believe I get to say that: it is a total privilege. Seriously. I wish she and her family lived closer, because she’d fit in here. She’s got a big heart too.Truly, one of the most beautiful people I know. So…you wanna read about her credentials, please feel free. I’ve shown you how. But c’mon out tonight and hear a dear soul share her soul with you. Prepare to have your heart touched. See you tonight at 7.